Council of Europe supports Albanian efforts in commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day

On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Council of Europe joined the commemorating ceremony of the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 27 January 2017, in Tirana.

The event titled “We remember – Promoting Human Rights through the lens of Holocaust Education and remembrance” served to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and to honor those who stood against this – among them 75 families and individuals from Albania proclaimed “Righteous Amongst Nations”.

The ceremony took place in the Aula Magna of the State’s University of Tirana, emphasizing the preventive dimension of Holocaust remembrance in line with Recommendation 2001(15) which reads that “everything possible should be done in the educational sphere to prevent recurrence or denial of the devastating events that have marked this century, namely the Holocaust, genocides and other crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and the massive violations of human rights and of the fundamental values to which the Council of Europe is particularly committed.”

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