Israeli agriculture experts provide help and support for Albanian farmers

The intensification of economic relations under an agreement between Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Israeli Embassy in Albania is progressing day by day. One of the intiatives taken by these two institutions is the visit of the well known Israeli expert regarding the agriculture sector Giora Tesler in Albania, with the aim to make a detailed research and study of agricultural sector and market in Albania, in order to specify the ways from which Albania may benefit from agriculture, a very important sector for Albania’s economy.

Due to the agreement signed between the above mentioned institutions, there have been many expeditions and visits of Israeli experts in the field of agriculture that have had meetings with Albanian farmers, public insititutions and NGO-s in the agriculture sector, with the aim to identify the problematic of this sectors and the alternative solutions that farmers may use to increase their production and the exports.

The Israeli expert Giora Tesler says that “Albania represents many advantages for foreign investors, especially for Israeli investors because it is a small country, an open gate near the European market and a crossroad in the Mediterranian Sea which lately has been called as the central “highway” for the exchange of merchandise in the world, a developing country in which the agriculture will have a huge impact.”

The Israeli experts held meetings with a group of farmers in Korca which produce mostly fruit tree saplings. The implementation of new technologies by these farmers have transformed Korca from a district that used to import fruits and vegetables mostly from Macedonia, into a district that exports fruits and saplings in high amounts.

Tesler expressed his gratitude for the hospitality and the detailed information given by the local governants and farmers regarding the performance of agriculture. He added that Albania needs to implement new technologies and practices in the agriculture sector like modern greenhouses, turf irrigation in sown land, ect.

Israeli agriculture experts provide help and support for Albanian farmers

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