Albania and Israel deepen bilateral cooperation

Prime Minister Edi Rama, along with Minister of Foreign Affairs Ditmir Bushati and Minister of Energy and Industry Damian Gjiknuri paid a visit to Israel. The delegation led by Prime Minister Rama was received by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, where they discussed the strengthening of bilateral relations and cooperation in areas of mutual interest, such as energy and the water sector. Moreover, they focused on the importance of enhancing interaction on security issues as well as the fight against violent extremism, by defending our values ​​and people from this threat.

Prime Minister Netanyahu praised the friendship between the two peoples, which is particularly prominent in key periods of history, and expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister for the contribution of the Albanian people in saving Jews during World War II. “We never forget our friends,” – Prime Minister Netanyahu stated.

The visit to Israel coincides with the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The meeting between the two Prime Ministers and their respective delegations concluded with the signing of the Declaration of Friendship, which reaffirms both countries’ engagement to deepen relations in all areas of mutual interest, especially in that of security, including energy security, the fight against terrorism, cybercrime, as well as in energy, agriculture, culture, tourism and education. This declaration aims to further encourage economic and trade cooperation and paves the way for negotiations on the elimination of double taxation.

Apart from the Declaration, the following were signed:

– Agreement in the field of health and medical sciences, in which parties commit to promote the exchange of information and documentation on topics related to health in areas of mutual interest; Exchange of specialists’ visits to improve qualifications and consultation; Exchange of information on medical devices, pharmaceutical products and technological developments related to medicine and public health;

– Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Sports and Yad Vashem, the authority commemorating martyrs and heroes of the Holocaust, on cooperation in promoting Holocaust education and remembrance.

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